
Torero, Dali Puzzle

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If you love puzzles and are a fan of Salvador Dali, you will love this 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle of The Hallucinogenic Toreador. This puzzle combines superb color reproduction, stunning images, and sturdy construction to delight novice and veteran puzzle workers alike.

The Hallucinogenic Torero is an oil on canvas by Salvador Dalí, dating from 1970 and currently is exhibited at the Salvador Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. It is a major work on which he worked for two years. It is a picture that is full of elements and symbols. The painting is about a bullfighting scene which is bounded by an arena. The dominant tones of the work are red and yellow. In the upper left corner, one can distinguish the portrait of the wife and muse of Dali, Gala. A bull dripping blood draws attention; hence the discs emerge from the back of the animal, where it was hit. The most shown element on this canvas is  Venus de Milo, represented 28 times. It gathers a great part of Dalí's visual themes, broken up in a profusion of details and finally gathered in the well hidden figure of the bullfighter. 

Age Range: 12 years to adult

Assembled Puzzle Size: 27 x 20 inches

1000-Piece Puzzle